Comics: The Meaning

com-ics (kom'iks)n. plural in form, used with a singular verb. 1. Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.

"If Comics' spectacularly varied past is any indication, comics' future will be virtually impossible to predict using the standards of the present.... Those of you who make comics for a living - or would like to someday, probably know that keeping up with all the advances in today's comics is a full-time job. However much we may try to understand the world of comics around us, a part of that world will always lie in shadow - a mystery.... As it is, it should be kept in mind at all times that this world is only one of many possible worlds!
Our attempts to define comics are an on-going process which won't end anytime soon. A new generation will no doubt reject whatever this one finally decides to accept and try once more to reinvent comics. And so they should. Here's to the great debate."

Excerpts and paraphrased from the amazing Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art."

Friday, July 20, 2012


"NOW THAT'S A COMIC BOOK," "STICK WITH IT," and "WHY'D I BUY THAT?" Comments on new comics that were shipped on 06.27.2012.  For this week:  Nite Owl earns his wings, the return of the Fatale and why Shazam needs his own book.


NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH - STRACZYNSKI/KUBERT/KUBERT - The quality of writing and art on these Watchmen titles is simply unprecedented.  I cannot think of any other comic book initiative that has resulted in the best writers and artists in the entire industry producing such amazing work all at once.  If Spider-Man had this kind of depth in story telling I would be a fan again.  Oh wait, JMS had this kind of quality control on Spidey and Marvel continually screwed him over to the point he didn't want his name of the One More Day story line.  Plus, anytime you see Andy and Joe Kubert working together on a title buy two copies.  This is how you create the perfect super-hero book. 

Original Nite Owl:  "You're a go getter, and you have some great ideas, but I usually work alone.  Still -- I'll be in touch.  You're a good kid.  I think you've got potential.  But don't EVER do again what you did today.  If I hadn't seen you coming in time to realize you were still just a kid -- this could have gone very, very BADLY for you."

BOOK 2:  THE DEVIL'S BUSINESS - BRUBAKER/PHILIPS/STEWART - The best book Brubaker is currently writing.  Brubaker and Philips are also the most consistent pairing of writer and artist in the industry.  When you see they're names together you are always in for a sure fire classic.  Their work on CRIMINAL, INCOGNITO and now this series screams for an HBO adaptation.  It would make that WALKING DEAD show look silly.  After the first FATALE chapter I am in this series for however long it takes these gentlemen to produce the goods.  Image is very fortunate to have this title and not Icon.  Are we seeing a move by Brubaker away from Marvel?

"Josephine was, by now, officially a recluse.  She hadn't even bought her own groceries in over five years.  Not since Miss Jansen - Mona - had come to work for her.  It was just easier this way.  If she stayed away from men as much as possible.  The only thing she truly desired anymore that couldn't be brought to her was the ocean.  But once in a while, she'd drive out in the evening...  And swim in the moonlight when no one was around.  But it turned out she hadn't truly been freed in San Francisco.  Not of her curse, at least...  she'd become the strange old lady who stays indoors and watches old movies every night on t.v.  Except she doesn't look old.  She just feels it."


EYE OF THE GORGON - MORRISON/BURNHAM/FAIRBAIRN - Morrison's pay off is through the build up and character development.  He is slowly moving all the chess pieces into position.  This was a great issue to give some background on Talia Al Ghul in a story of world building, spurned love, pride in your progeny and a child trapped in the middle of it all.  Hopefully, we will see a collaboration between Morrison and Snyder on the Bat-titles, as they are the two best Batman architects ever!

"One day.  This world will belong to YOU, my love."

THE VILLAIN'S JOURNEY CHAPTER 2 - JOHNS/LEE/WILLIAMS - A derivative and thus sad story of the JL we have all read many, many times in the past.  For one of the most read titles in the world this book is absolutely meaningless.  As the rest of the DC NEW 52 is breathing life into characters left, right and center; this title appears to have no direction except backwards.  It's redeeming quality and why you should stick with this book, at least until the back up story is over, is that back up story being SHAZAM and Johns when paired with Gary Frank gives us the story telling I would consistently expect. 
SHAZAM - JOHNS/FRANK/ANDERSON - Again, the only reason to follow JL is to read the back up story featuring Billy Batson and the kids of Shazam.  This re imagining of what the Shazam character actually is, is pure comic quality through solid writing and illustrations.  Shazam deserves his own title or to be the focus of this title, not rehashed stories of the JL we don't need.  The DC NEW 52 should be all about SHAZAM, Billy, Tawney and the rest of the SHAZAM crew and this new direction the characters are under going.

"It says here that Black Adam will be imprisoned until a being who can destroy him is found!  His enemies put him here, but we can release him -- And bring magic back to the world!  It says this tomb cannot be opened but with one word...  SHAZAM!"



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