Comics: The Meaning

com-ics (kom'iks)n. plural in form, used with a singular verb. 1. Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.

"If Comics' spectacularly varied past is any indication, comics' future will be virtually impossible to predict using the standards of the present.... Those of you who make comics for a living - or would like to someday, probably know that keeping up with all the advances in today's comics is a full-time job. However much we may try to understand the world of comics around us, a part of that world will always lie in shadow - a mystery.... As it is, it should be kept in mind at all times that this world is only one of many possible worlds!
Our attempts to define comics are an on-going process which won't end anytime soon. A new generation will no doubt reject whatever this one finally decides to accept and try once more to reinvent comics. And so they should. Here's to the great debate."

Excerpts and paraphrased from the amazing Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art."

Thursday, July 12, 2012


"NOW THAT'S A COMIC BOOK," "STICK WITH IT," and "WHY'D I BUY THAT?"  Comments on new comics that were shipped on 06.06.2012. For this week:  R.I.P Clark Kent, Night Owl takes us "Under the Hood, "the return of Anton Arcane and espionage Brubaker style.


BULLETPROOF - Morrison/Morales/Bryant - Morrison and Morales continue to be the perfect creative duo on the continuing stories of Clark Kent's early days as Superman while working for the Daily Star.  We also bear witness in this issue to Superman's burgeoning plight to save the world in every manner possible; whether it be physically, economically or socially.

Superman:  "Nobody wants two adorable hamsters and nobody wants to start tackling poverty in Somalia?...  I thought I'd made it clear.  This world is crying out for change, for fairness and justice and...  I'm in a room with the king of an undersea empire, an amazon princess and a billionaire playboy.
Batman:  Look, I think we can all sympathize with our Superman here.  But I don't want to be part of a gang of authoritarian living weapons from America.  I won't march in to countries uninvited to "fix" problems we barely understand."

THE MINUTE OF TRUTH - Darwyn Cooke/Noto - Darwyn Cooke may very well be a better writer than Alan Moore and a greater writer/artist than Jack Kirby.  This man's work never disappoints and is always something to treasure looking forward to reading.  The artwork as always is simply Darwyn Cooke.  In this issue we begin to see the pieces begin to fall into place for the formation of the Minutemen as the original Nite Owl finishes his memoir "Under the Hood."  Nite Owl through his memoir gives us a recollection of the members of the Minutemen as they all begin it appear on the crime fighting scene.

"Byron's genius provided him with a unique ability, but it had come at quite a cost.  The test phase of his glider suit had led to several accidents, some of them near fatal.  He lived with constant pain and the constant fear that the suit would betray him.  This was before the morphine, when he was running on liniment and aspirin pills.  I know I couldn't have done it.  He had to gauge the wind and weather by the second.  His weight couldn't vary by more than three pounds.  He had to step out over space and believe he could fly....  The common story is that Byron was the weak one.  The one who cracked up.  I see it differently.  Byron Lewis was brave like ten men.  And then he cracked up.

ARCANE'S LULLABY - Snyder/Francavilla - When Snyder and Francavilla work together it is comic book creativity at it's best.  Ever since their run on Detective Comics with "the Black Mirror" everything they do together now or in the future should be ancitipated with that feeling you had as a child on Christmas morning.  Very hard to choose between Francavilla and Paquette for the Swamp Thing artwork, but at least it is always mind blowing.  Paquette especially does such honour to the creation of Bernie Wrightson.  Snyder on Swamp Thing might just be better than Snyder on Batman.

Anton Arcane:  "She fought me though.  She has always fought me.  Fought her destiny.  But she knows...  deep down, she knows her home is with me.  And more than this, she knows that the fight in the desert, it was only the beginning.  And yet she still hides.  Wraps herself in green...  hides from me.  From the rot.  From herself."

BROKEN ARROW:  PROLOGUE - Brubaker/Lark/Breitweiser - Ed Brubaker must have dreamt of being a cold war spy as a kid.  It's like he almost lives the genre.  Straight up espionage very reminiscent of Brubaker's "Sleeper" series.  Seems to have taken the sleeper agent themes and thrown Bucky Barnes and Black Widow into the mix.  Plus, another great duo reunited again with Brubaker and Lark.  This title is just as excellent and edgey as their time on Daredevil.

"All the time he was lost, this man could have found him.  Saved him.  He thinks of sneaking into his holding cell and killing him.  But before he can, Barnes is being shipped off to a Russian Gulag.  And he laughs at that.  No one ever escapes Mother Russia.  Barnes does escape...  and he fights one last battle for his country.  And dies a hero's death...  But as he listens to Captain America's eulogy, he just knows it's a lie.  That Barnes is still alive.  That he's escaped punishment, yet again."


ROUND 5 - Fraction/Romita Jr./Hanna - Just too much comic book fun!  As far as the epic events (which I'm usually disappointed in) go this series has been a solid story.  The artwork however by Romita is pedestrian.  Hanna's inks do a good job of covering up the lack lustre pencils.  Olivier Coipel takes over the illustrations next issue, so hang in there.  Plus, Hickman and Aaron take over more of the story line in the 2nd chapter.  On a side note, I'm puzzled by Wolverine's willingness to murder red heads and teenagers with a shrug of his shoulders, when in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN he's teaching an Apocalypse clone to be a hero.

THE DEFENDERS:  PROTECTING HUMANITY FROM THE IMPOSSIBLE - Fraction/Dodson/Dodson - This book is starting to fall out of the Top 100 monthly comics.  Please support this book and it's graphic novels when they are available. You get Fraction writing Silver Surfer, Iron Fist, Dr. Strange and the Sub-Mariner all at the same time.  While the artwork falls on to the ever amazing team of the Dodsons.  This is a great book for Fraction as he seems to have more freedom to interpret these characters and his interpretations are some of Marvel's best.  Plus, the stories are right out of left field and just plain weird.  Puts the Avengers books to shame.  Love it!



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