Comics: The Meaning

com-ics (kom'iks)n. plural in form, used with a singular verb. 1. Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.

"If Comics' spectacularly varied past is any indication, comics' future will be virtually impossible to predict using the standards of the present.... Those of you who make comics for a living - or would like to someday, probably know that keeping up with all the advances in today's comics is a full-time job. However much we may try to understand the world of comics around us, a part of that world will always lie in shadow - a mystery.... As it is, it should be kept in mind at all times that this world is only one of many possible worlds!
Our attempts to define comics are an on-going process which won't end anytime soon. A new generation will no doubt reject whatever this one finally decides to accept and try once more to reinvent comics. And so they should. Here's to the great debate."

Excerpts and paraphrased from the amazing Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art."

Monday, May 21, 2012


The NOW THAT'S A COMIC BOOK, OK.... THERE'S SOMETHING HERE and WHY'D I BUY THAT? reviews of new comics that were shipped on 05.02.2012.  For this week we delve into the new DC multi-verse, the horror of the ROT and why does Marvel always replace good artists on good titles with sub par artists?


THE CURSE OF SUPERMAN - Ok, it seems the mainstream comic fan had a bit of a problem with this issue.  It was heavily political, as Superman is black and the President of the United States, as well as throwing Earth 23 from the multi-verse out there.  It's a lot to digest if you are not into the concepts DC is trying to develop with DC THE NEW 52.  Stick with it guys this will tie into something so big.  This is the beginning of the DC multiverse done right.  This is what DC comics are all about.  Let's clear somethings up to.  This is not Barack Obama as Superman.  This character first appeared in Grant Morrison's FINAL CRISIS as one of the Supermen of the multiverse well before Obama had started campaigning for the Democratic Party nomination.  If anything Morrison possibly created this character based on Muhammad Ali, as Denis O'Neal master-minded the classic Superman vs Muhammad Ali comics from the 70s and Morrison loves to pick through that era of comics.  If anything this Superman comes from an Earth that does not suffer from the same prejudices ours does.  If you really want to explore what Morrison and DC are developing, read FINAL CRISIS and 52.  Re-read until you understand them.  FINAL CRISIS and 52 are the DC NEW 52 bible.

EXTINCTION IS FOREVER PART ONE:  THE BONE ORCHARD - Absolutely love this book.  This is horror done right, through the plight of a family struggling to understand what is happening to them, dealing with unimaginable horrors, but not matter what stick together and keep moving forward.  Very similar to WALKING DEAD in that fashion.  Cannot wait for this story to run head long into what's going on in SWAMP THING and we get some of the best horror DC has ever written.  Has Swamp Thing and Animal Man ever teamed up?  Seems like it should have happened.  There is a war coming to the DCU between the GREEN (plants), the RED (meat) and the ROT (decay).  This is universe building people, get on board.

ROUND 3 - This series is by no means perfect as I have noticed many errors in the first 3 issues in how the main series relates to the tie-ins, but this is just been too much damn fun.  The best parts so far have been written by Aaron and Brubaker, as I was not very impressed with what Bendis wrote in the 1st issue.  My only real criticism is that the artwork of an industry giant for more than 30 years in Romita Jr. looks like what a 12 year old would produce.  Keep Romita on Kick-Ass and give a more deserving artist a shot on the big events.  Olivier Coipel is taking over the artwork as of issue #5 so the series is only going to get better and better.  Again, it's just too much fun.  Captain America does come across as a straight up fascist though.  Something up with Cap?


YOU HAVE BEEN JUDGED UNWORTHY - This title is the most under-rated DC title available.  BATWING has been a solid read since the first issue.  The perfect jumping on point if anyone is looking for an amazing read they would not expect.  Kudos to Judd Winick for adding something so necessary to the DCU.  This title and character were long overdue.

Probably the best Marvel title being published right now, especially after the OMEGA EFFECT crossover with Spidey and Punisher.  But here is one of my biggest comic book pet peeves.  Marvel never seems to be able to keep the artist that helps make a book successful, for more than a story arc or two.  Mark Waid is the architect of this book, but if he had not been paired up with Paolo Rivera and then Marco Checchetto for the artwork, I doubt this book would be receiving the amount of critical acclaim it has.  So, for whatever reason the art on DAREDEVIL is now handed over to Chris Samnee, who is a good artist but not the direction in art style this book deserves.  Samnee would be great on an Image title or a children's book.  Chris Samnee took over as illustrator on ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN from Sara Pichelli (big mistake) and I had to drop the Ultimate Spidey, because the art began to suffer and was not up to par with what Ms. Pichelli had achieved.   Get Paolo Rivera back and don't kill the success this book has.  I'm looking at you Marvel.  DC with their new 52 initiative has come up with some of the best creative pairings in comic books and most of those teams have been kept together and for myself that is why DC has been so successful of late.  Marvel needs to pull their heads out of their asses and get some consistent creative teams together, because the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Fraction and Larroca on INVINCIBLE IRON MAN.  Artists need to have a break, I get that, but not when a book has had the surprise and unbelievable success HERE COMES...  DAREDEVIL THE MAN WITHOUT FEAR! has had. 


Nothing bad to report for this week.  Keep your comic bookery tight.



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