Comics: The Meaning

com-ics (kom'iks)n. plural in form, used with a singular verb. 1. Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.

"If Comics' spectacularly varied past is any indication, comics' future will be virtually impossible to predict using the standards of the present.... Those of you who make comics for a living - or would like to someday, probably know that keeping up with all the advances in today's comics is a full-time job. However much we may try to understand the world of comics around us, a part of that world will always lie in shadow - a mystery.... As it is, it should be kept in mind at all times that this world is only one of many possible worlds!
Our attempts to define comics are an on-going process which won't end anytime soon. A new generation will no doubt reject whatever this one finally decides to accept and try once more to reinvent comics. And so they should. Here's to the great debate."

Excerpts and paraphrased from the amazing Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art."

Thursday, April 19, 2012


The NOW THAT'S A COMIC BOOK, OK.... THERE'S SOMETHING HERE and WHY'D I BUY THAT? reviews of new comics that were shipped on 03.21.2012.  For this week Scott Snyder gives readers a completely new perspective on Batman's relationship with Gotham City, SHAZAM! and a GL with too much blood on his hands.  Here.. We.. Go..!


It is very hard for a writer to give a character as old as Batman something fresh and new without changing the tropes and archetypes comic fans have become accustomed to and love.  How do you match what is familiar and what is new without losing one of the other?  Scott Snyder knows.  Since Scott Snyder took over the Batman reigns he has flipped everything on it's head and for the better.  What he has added to the Batman mythos will become part of Batman canon and making Gotham City come to life almost as a character in the story has been marvelous.  Scott Snyder has become that writer in which you should read everything he puts outs.  Cannot wait to see what Grant Morrison can add to the BATMAN DC NEW 52 when BATMAN INCORPORATED is released alongside this title.

Saw a couple walking down the street the other day and they were reading this comic.  WONDER WOMAN is back and this title is definitely one of the best written at DC currently.  Azzarello is a legend and comics are back in the mainstream.  A lot of that is due to the quality and creativity DC is releasing week in and week out by making sure they have the best creative teams available on their titles.  WONDER WOMAN is that example.


Great to see Gene Ha contributing art to this series.  He is by far a better artist than Jim Lee.  More dynamic and Ha actually knows how to draw anatomy properly, especially faces and noses.  Would love Ha to take over regular art duties for JL.  Unfortunately, the story is something we've all seen before.  This comic is for the new DC fan that knows little to nothing of the DCU and it's characters.  Pretty typical of Geoff Johns.  Nothing new, just a different take on the past.  Do we really need to be getting into a storyline about Wonder Woman's on/off relationship with Captain Trevor?  Azzarello, in WONDER WOMAN hasn't even mentioned anything to do with Steve Trevor.  THE DC NEW 52  is supposed to be fresh and cutting edge, yet Mr. Johns is just digging in the silver age again with nothing new to offer.  I don't mind digging, but spin it into something new and unexpected.  This comic is too predictable. However, certain creative pairings always seen to  produce quality material.  Johns and Frank are one of those teams and the back up story in this issue (the re-introduction of SHAZAM) should be the main story.  This is the type of writing that made myself a fan of Geoff Johns.  Forget the JL rehash (Mark Waids JL Year One is infinitely superior) and give us more Captain Marvel and more Gene Ha and Gary Frank.


Finding it harder and harder to keep the GL titles as a monthly read.  All the GL titles over the last few years have hit incredible heights in terms of writing and artwork, but it seems to be coming to an end.  The GL Corps forever never took a life and now there are GL's murdering other GL's almost every book.  They are supposed to be cops, not executioners.  Tomasi has taken a great black  character (and the character most kids responded to in the JL cartoon series) and turned him into a psychopath.  Stewart kills more friends than foes, which doesn't make any sense since he won't kill a foe.  This book justifies murder through ideology.  I understand what was being attempted in the story as a GL is tortured and is going to give up secrets to the enemy.  But John Stewart killing the GL before he leaks secrets is pretty weak story telling.  Military codes change all the time to prevent soldiers from divulging info, because then if they are captured, the info they have is irrelevant.  I am a huge fan of Tomasi's writing but lately he seems to be diminishing his stories through violence and murder with little or no context.  I am not against violence in comic books, but it needs to serve the story and not the other way around.  Give a strong black character and a cornerstone of the DCU more respect than has been given.



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