Comics: The Meaning

com-ics (kom'iks)n. plural in form, used with a singular verb. 1. Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.

"If Comics' spectacularly varied past is any indication, comics' future will be virtually impossible to predict using the standards of the present.... Those of you who make comics for a living - or would like to someday, probably know that keeping up with all the advances in today's comics is a full-time job. However much we may try to understand the world of comics around us, a part of that world will always lie in shadow - a mystery.... As it is, it should be kept in mind at all times that this world is only one of many possible worlds!
Our attempts to define comics are an on-going process which won't end anytime soon. A new generation will no doubt reject whatever this one finally decides to accept and try once more to reinvent comics. And so they should. Here's to the great debate."

Excerpts and paraphrased from the amazing Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I will give a suggestion for a title that would offer the same style of story and art, just better overall. If I am going to be negative I will do my best to back my reasoning.   I've found that a lot of readers have missed out on titles like Swamp Thing or Casanova, because they are bogged down in all the bigger franchise titles like Avengers or Green Lantern.  The suggestions won't necessarily reflect the Top 10 Comics you should add to your pull list.  Here's the reasoning behind my thought process on this topic.  I communicate with so many comic fans that read something just because it's ie:  X-Men, Superman or Batman but aren't enjoying what they are reading.  They are just reading a particular character or book for the sake of.  There is nothing wrong with this (I do it myself).  My rule of thumb has always been to give said comic title the current story arc and if you haven't enjoyed it, then move on (we all have guilty pleasures though).  Maybe come back when the next story arc starts up or the writer and artist change.  There are way too many titles to enjoy (budgeting) to be stuck on something just for the sake of. 
01.  AVENGING SPIDER-MAN - Reason:  Do we really need another Spidey title when Amazing hits twice a month, plus Ultimate and then all the Avengers titles he's in.  No wonder he isn't married anymore.  For a character built on responsibility, it comes across more as selfishness nowadays.  Substitute:  DAREDEVIL.  The writing by Mark Waid is light years ahead of anything going on in any current Spidey title.  You already get Amazing Spidey twice a month.  Give horn head a try and you will not regret it.

02.  CATWOMAN - Reason:  Picked this book up to give women a bigger say in my collection.  All the book is, is t&a, with Catwoman  getting constantly beaten up and then having sex with Batman.  This is what not to do with female characters.  I thought we were past tripe like this.   Substitute:  BATWOMAN OR BATGIRL.  And this is exactly how you write meaningful female characters that will stand the test of time.  Good storytelling for those of us who expect a little more from our comics.

03.  AQUAMAN - Reason:  Another one of Geoff Johns' retro rehashes of things you forgot about a character, but needed making sense of for the 21st century.  Sufficed to say, if Alan Moore had ever written anything Aquaman, Johns would have ripped it off and then killed the character.  Mr. Johns continues to mine the Silver Age of comics until there is nothing left.  I don't usually have a problem with this (comics do it all the time), but when you don't really have any "new" ideas of your own, except for the obvious fan boy stories (let's do a cliched story about Aquaman being "a fish out of water," or let's take away Hal's power ring again), then I have a big problem.  Leave Aquaman in the pages of the JLA or get a writer that can offer something new and interesting.  Aquaman is a character that has so much new potential in the 21st century.  Substitute:  Read the FLASH.  Manapul has worked with Johns before on the Flash as the artist, so I was a bit wary of him taking on writing on top of his artistic duties.  I would say now the student has become the master.  Manapul borrows from the Silver Age, pushes the story forward into fresh directions and includes science in the Flash stories like never before.  Manapul is very Kirby like in his approach to the functionality of science in comics.  The only thing Johns seems to know about basic science is the colour spectrum.

04.  FEAR ITSELF, FEARLESS - Reason:  The aftermath to Fear Itself.  Fear Itself was a giant let down, so I can only imagine how bad this title will get.  Substitute: Well, if you are looking for some aftermath to Fear Itself, BATTLE SCARS has been a good read or the new DEFENDERS book written by Matt Fraction looks promising after issue #1 and #2.

05.  ASTONISHING X-MEN - Reason:  Remember when Josh Whedon and John Cassidy were on this book and it was simply one of the best comics you could buy?  It was more popular than Uncanny.  You wouldn't think so anymore.  How the mighty have fallen into just another irrelevant X-Men title.  Also, there are way too many X-books.  Substitute:  NOTHING.  You don't need all these so-so titles when UNCANNY the new WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN have been coming out twice a month.  Now if Mr. Whedon would like to write it again, different story.  Otherwise, Marvel needs to cancel this book.  It's time has passed.

06.  BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT - Reason:  This book had such high expectations as far as the quality that David Finch should have brought to it.  4 issues in and the art has declined by the issue, while the story has become forced and is falling apart.  The writing is too contrived and with so many bat titles this title will be lost in the shuffle very quickly.  Substitute:  BATWOMAN.  There is already enough Bruce Wayne titles.  Batman and Robin and Batman are amazing reads.  Batwoman is just as good as the Batman title and has just as much potential down the road if not more.  Williams has handled writing and drawing this book superbly.  I'm calling it now.  Rucka will return to DC from Marvel at some point and take back the writing of Batwoman.  Williams can just concentrate on his exceptional art style, though who knew he could write so well.  Then Batwoman will be DC'sRucka.  Rucka should have been on board from the beginning.  However,  Punisher and Marvel fans need to read Rucka's take on Frank Castle.  This is why he is a legend at DC.

07.  GREEN LANTERN NEW GUARDIANS - Reason:  Tony Bedard is not a very good writer and editorial seems to miss the continuity mistakes in relation to what is happening in the other GL books.  Right now I would say GREEN LANTERN CORPS is probably the best written GL book.  I still have hopes for the Johns' GL and the story in GL corps is quite descent.  Save your money on this book until a gigantic crossover hits.  Right now pass.  Irrelevant.

08.  MIGHTY THOR - Reason:  This series by Matt Fraction was better than his Fear Itself ltd series and was just a joy to read.  Asgard goes to war with Galactus.  It was epic.  Jack Kirby would have enjoyed the first few issues.  However, when the series then tied into Fear Itself for one issue it lost all it's steam and quality.  The decisions to kill Thor off again after so soon returning him to comic books astounds me.  Now we are expected to read a new god of thunder Tanarus, while Thor is in limbo.  I'm not having it, especially since we all know Thor will return.  Thor had never been more popular because of the movie and then Marvel pulls the rug out from under Thor fans.  Substitute:  JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY is one of Marvel's best written titles.  Kid Loki is a treat to read and now Gillen has give him a hel-hound puppy.  It makes alot of sense the god of mischief should be a ten year old boy with a puppy that swears and breaths fire.  This book is all about deep mythology and the plots are like an onion.  The layers just keep on peeling back.

09.  HAWK AND DOVE - Rob Liefeld in on the book.  'Nuff said.  Rob Liefeld is one of the most overrated things to ever happen to comics.  The man can't write and can't draw human anatomy.

10.  HULK - Keep the Red Hulk in the Avengers.  Do we even need a Red Hulk?  Red She-Hulk I'm o.k with.  Substitute this title for the upcoming run of SECRET AVENGERS by Rick Remender.  Remender just wrote one of the best X-Men story lines in Uncanny X-Force with "the Dark Angel Saga."

Bubbling under:  Amazing Spider-man, Avengers, Green Lantern, X-Men (the Twilight wannabe title) and X-Men Legacy.

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