Comics: The Meaning

com-ics (kom'iks)n. plural in form, used with a singular verb. 1. Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.

"If Comics' spectacularly varied past is any indication, comics' future will be virtually impossible to predict using the standards of the present.... Those of you who make comics for a living - or would like to someday, probably know that keeping up with all the advances in today's comics is a full-time job. However much we may try to understand the world of comics around us, a part of that world will always lie in shadow - a mystery.... As it is, it should be kept in mind at all times that this world is only one of many possible worlds!
Our attempts to define comics are an on-going process which won't end anytime soon. A new generation will no doubt reject whatever this one finally decides to accept and try once more to reinvent comics. And so they should. Here's to the great debate."

Excerpts and paraphrased from the amazing Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art."

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


The QUALITY, POTENTIAL and CRAP for comics that were released 11.23.2011.



The best 100 page giant comic book I have EVER read.  Usually these anniversary issues are just alot of celebration, looking back and looking forward type of stuff.  This was 100 pages of new material and no reprints.  Hickman just always seems to out do himself.  You can tell the care that went into the creation of this landmark.  One of the best single issues I have read this year and Leinil Francis Yu should draw Galactus more often.  Amazing!

Sorry there's no cover available.  You cannot go wrong with the Ultimate line of Marvel Comics right now.  This limited series was excellent.  I guess they're really pushing Hawkeye for the Avengers movie.  The version of him you've already seen in the Thor movie and in the Avengers movie is the Ultimate version of Hawkeyvi from this book.  Hoping this is how Marvel will keep going with the Ultimate titles.  Keep Spider-Man, Ultimates and X-Men as the main titles.  Then, every once and a while, drop a limited series spotlighting a different character. 


Really starting to come around to this title.  I have to admit at underestimating the writing and artistic abilities of Manapul and Bucceellato.  These guys have brought actual science back to Flash and do it better than Johns ever did on his Flash runs.  These guys have been reading science journals for sure. There are some pivotal things about to happen in this book and it should only get better.

Still have my fingers crossed for this book.  The story is great and the only thing preventing this issue from making the QUALITY list was the art.  I've never been a huge Bachalo fan, but issue #1 and #2 are like night and day.  The art from issue #1 was Bachalo at his best.  This issue sees him at his worst.  The panels were all over the place and blurry.  You could not tell what was really happening panel to panel or follow their progression properly.  This was rushed and it's glaring.  Hopefully Bachalo picks his game up for issue #3.  Maybe Nick Bradshaw can push this book to quality when he takes over the art duties as of issue #5.



Second month in a row for this title in the CRAP pile.  I've given up and dropped this title from my pull list.  Paul Jenkins is usually a solid writer, but this co-plot with David Finch is terrible.  Plus, what has happened to Finch's art?  I was quickly becoming a fan, but maybe he should just go back to cover art.  The drop in quality is just astonishing and can only be compared to Jim Lee when he takes on too much work.  Same thing seems to have happened with Finch.  Too much on his plate and not the time to put the quality into his art that has made him great.  If you need another bat-title (because who doesn't?) check out the Nightwing series.  Nightwing hasn't made any of my lists, but it is definitely better than Dark Knight and an enjoyable read.

Cheers for reading!

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