Comics: The Meaning

com-ics (kom'iks)n. plural in form, used with a singular verb. 1. Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.

"If Comics' spectacularly varied past is any indication, comics' future will be virtually impossible to predict using the standards of the present.... Those of you who make comics for a living - or would like to someday, probably know that keeping up with all the advances in today's comics is a full-time job. However much we may try to understand the world of comics around us, a part of that world will always lie in shadow - a mystery.... As it is, it should be kept in mind at all times that this world is only one of many possible worlds!
Our attempts to define comics are an on-going process which won't end anytime soon. A new generation will no doubt reject whatever this one finally decides to accept and try once more to reinvent comics. And so they should. Here's to the great debate."

Excerpts and paraphrased from the amazing Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art."

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


01.  "THE KILLING JOKE"  BY Alan Moore and Dave Bolland

02.  "ALL STAR SUPERMAN" by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely

03.  "CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS" by Marv Wolfman and George Perez

04.  "NEW FRONTIER" by Darwyn Cooke

05.  "SUPERMAN: RED SON" by Mark Millar and Dave Johnson

06.  "BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS" by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson

07.  "WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE MAN OF TOMORROW?"  BY Alan Moore, Curt Swain and George Perez

08.  "BATMAN:  YEAR ONE" by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli

09.  "BATMAN R.I.P" by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel

10.  "FINAL CRISIS" by Grant Morrison, JG Jones, Doug Mahnke and Carlos Pacheco 


  1. 10 a. "Indentity Crisis" by Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales and Michael Bair.

  2. I love Identity Crisis. I toyed with having it as apart of the list. I had to make some personal hard calls with this list. I wish Brad Meltzer would come back and write for DC again. Morales is amazing as well.

