Decided to change things up for this column rather than do video of my talking, floating head. Each week I will simply show the covers and give a short blurb on a selection of books that were released for that week. Accordingly, the comics will be rated as QUALITY, POTENTIAL OR SAVE YOUR MONEY. If you want to see everything I've read every given week, the covers off the comics are displayed down the right side bar of the blog.
Becoming one of Marvel's best titles by the issue. The aftermath of "Fear Itself," and the beginning of the next Marvel U storyline start in this issue with a "secret." Plus, Mark Waid is back in form and writing a classic. Doesn't happen with Daredevil too often.
FF #11
Arguably Marvel's best series and the best FF story lines since Byrne in the 80s and Lee and Kirby in the 60s and 70s. Hickman continues to out do himself since he got his mitts on Marvel's first family and this is the issue that leads into "Fantastic Four" #600. This series will continue though as "FF," a week after "Fantastic Four" #600 with issue #12. Can Hickman pull off two FF titles?
A new Vertigo series and the first issue (as most Vertigo #1s are) was $1.00. It's also written and drawn by Azzarello and Risso. What else do you need to know?
I had completely written off the Marvel Ultimate titles after the disaster that is Jeph Loeb, but again, Hickman sucks me in. I pick up all the new Ultimate titles now, because of the first 3 issues of Hickman's "Ultimates." Super Hero sci-fi at it's best, with a dash of bad ass Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson).
Constantine back in the regular DCU is the best idea DC has had in years. I love the interaction of John Constantine with the characters in tights. Reuniting him with Zatanna (they have a long history and he was responsible for her father's death in Swamp Thing) can only allow Peter Milligan to develop some quality magic based stories.
We'll see if Jason Aaron can put the Hulk back to the quality writing of the Peter David years and recently, Greg Pak's Planet Hulk. Banner and the Hulk have been seperated, which is nothing new, but the Hulk stopping Banner for a change?
Wasn't really up for my budget absorbing another X-title, but Jason Aaron doesn't usually disappoint. I have to say though, I have never enjoyed his Wolverine series. This title, given chance can turn into something special. The writing was crisp and Aaron seems to know where to push these established characters. It's a bit of an odd ball cast of characters, but you have to love the "Jean Grey School for High Learning."
Cash grab. Do we really need 4 GL titles? I would say yes to this one at least if it was good or had anything to offer that couldn't happen in GL or GL Corps. I like Kyle Rayner, but the writing on this title is bad and so is the art. A guilty pleasure if you are a GL fan. It's just an overall terrible comic.
The first 6 issues of Fraction's "Mighty Thor," were more interesting and creative that his "Fear Itself," event. Through Fraction's time on Thor he has built the mythology back into something very dynamic and worth reading (working off of JMS' Thor run). Apparently, Fraction hasn't read JMS' Thor stuff. In this issue Fraction throws the mythology he was picking up on from JMS out the window by not following what has already occurred. ie: Loki travelled to the past to banish Bor into the Asgardian winter winds. Bor's body disintegrates, while begging a certainly not very youthful Odin to save him. Bor dies, but you never see his body being mourned by a young Odin and Serpent (Cul), because there was no body and there was never ever any Serpent. Very disappointing from a writer that knows the Marvel U in and out. Everything about this issue and Fear Itself was forced and asked alot of the reader, especially if you have ever read JMS' time on Thor. It was definitely better than Fraction's.